Submission guidelines

PDF version

1.       Length.

Papers’ length must be comprised between 20,000 and 25,000 characters (spaces included), counting their footnotes (final bibliography not included).

2.       Format.

Papers both in Spanish and English will be welcome.

Texts must be written using 11 points Times New Roman. They will be preceeded by title, author’s name and academic filiation,  a short abstract in Spanish and English (maximum allowed length is 800 characters) and keywords (not exceeding five).

Footnotes must be written using 9 points Times New Roman, indicated in the main text using arabic numerals. If this indicator corresponds with a punctuation mark, it shall be written after the punctuation mark.

Quotes may be included in the main text when they do not exceed three lines, delimited by quotation marks (“…”). If the quote exceeds this limit, it must be included in a new paragraph, without quotation marks, indentation on the left side and smaller font (10 points). Author’s notes in a quote (for example, sic.) must be delimited by brackets, using round hand for latin abbreviations [sic.] and italic for notes in the text’s language [deleted]. Ellipses in the quote will be indicated using three dots between square brackets […].

We strongly recommend not to use words in bold or underlined. Italic will be used to indicate titles or to emphasize words in other languages. Abbreviations (id., ibid.) should be avoided in the main text and in footnotes, using only the abbreviations for aproximate dates (ca.) or archives already mentioned in the text.

3.       Images

Each paper can include five graphic elements (photographies, graphics or tables). The author must indicate their location in the text using the abbreviation “Fig.” and the numeral, using correlative numbers, delimited by parentheses (Fig. 1). Images will be sent as independent JPEG or TIFF files, numbered according to their order of appearance in the text, and at least 300ppp. In another document, the author must include each image’s caption as follows:

Fig. 1. Title of the piece in italics. Author. Date. Building/Museum/Institution. City.

The responsability of acquiring the reproduction rights is assumed by the author.

The Meeting organization may refuse to publish images without the required quality or the reproduction rights.

4.       Citations

Bibliographic citations will be included in the main text, between parentheses, indication de name of the author(s), year of publication and page(s), for example (Martí y Monsó, 1901: 50). If the name is already mentioned in the text, it won’t be included in the citation, indicating only the year and pages between parentheses, for example: “…as indicated by Martí y Monsó (1901: 50)…”.

In case of collective authorship, up to five authors can be included, separating their names with commas and writing “and” between the last two names, for example: (Jiménez, Mata, Lozano, Mendicuti and Fernández, 2017: 33).

If the reference has more than five authors, only the name of the first one will be indicated, followed by the abbreviation “et al.” For example: (Fockema et al., 2015: 55).

When several works are cited in the same citation, they must be separated using semicolons. For example: (Genette, 1980; McGregor, 1976: 241; Fockema et al., 2015).

If several works by the same author published in the same year are cited, they must be ordered including letters in alphabetical order after the year, for example (Bloom, 1994a; Bloom, 1994b).

Citations of documentary sources must include, in the first citation: type of document (letter, contact, will, record) and date, identification of the Archive and its section, complete localization (volume, reference) and page. For example: Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid, Pleitos Civiles, Ceballos Escalera (F), caja 391-7.

When the same archive or document is cited again, abbreviations shall be used, for example: ARChVa, P.C., Ceballos Escalera (F), c. 39-7.

5.       Bibliography

The list of the cited bibliography will be included at the end of the paper, using indentation of 0.75 cm, in alphabetical order. When there are several works by the same author, they will appear in chronological order.


Name, First name (Year), Title in italic. Place of publishing: publiser. For example:

Martí y Monsó, José (1902), Estudios histórico-artísticos relativos principalmente a Valladolid. Valladolid, Imprenta de Leonardo Miñón.

In the case of coordination, edition or scientific direction of a book, the abreviations (coord., ed., dir.) will be included between parentheses. For example:

Ramírez, Juan Antonio (ed.) (2010), El sistema del arte en España. Madrid, Cátedra.

Book chapters:

Name, First name (year), «Title of the chapter between guillemets», in First name and Name of the editor (ed.), Title of the book in italic. Place of publication, Publisher, pages. For example;

Galván Freile, Fernando (2001), «Origen y difusión del modelo iconográfico de la Virgen Eleusa en la Península Ibérica», en María Luisa Melero Moneo et al. (eds.), Imágenes y promotores en el arte medieval. Miscelánea en homenaje a Joaquín Yarza Luaces. Bellaterra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, pp. 125-137.

Scientific papers:

Name, First name (year), «Title of the chapter between guillemets», Title of the journal in italic, volumen (number), pp. For example:

Reyero Hermosilla, Carlos (2017), «Monumentos españoles en caricatura, 1860-1920», Laboratorio de Arte, 27, pp. 589-602.

In the case of electronic journals, this reference will be followed by de URL and date of consultation, or DOI/Hande. For example:

Alves dos Santos, Cidália (2015), «Os Lusíadas de Camões como modelo literario de las Soledades de Góngora», Castilla. Estudios de Literatura, 6, pp. 41-71, (Last consultation: 07/06/2016).

Searle, John R. (1975), «The logical Status of Fictional Discourse», New Literary History, 6, pp. 319-332,

Online documents:

Name, First name (year), «Title of the document between guillemets». Available in: full URL (date of consultation; DD/MM/YY).

PhD dissertations:

Name, First Name (year), Title of the dissertation, PhD dissertation, University, City. For exemple:

Alonso Laza, Manuela (2004), La fotografía artística en la prensa ilustrada (España, 1886-1905), tesis doctoral, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid.